You don’t have to be alone in your aged care journey. There are people and services that can help support you.
Whatever help you need, there is information and support available to make your aged care experience easier.
I need someone to support me or act on my behalf
If you need someone to be involved in aged care discussions with you, help you access and update your information, act on your behalf, and convey decisions (that have been discussed with you) to My Aged Care, you can appoint a representative. A representative can be a family member, friend, carer, or even an organisation.
If you need someone to support you but not make decisions for you, you can set up an agent. An agent can be involved in aged care discussions with you and access and update some of your information, but can't make My Aged Care decisions for you. An agent cannot be a family member or friend. They must support you in a professional capacity, and can be an individual (such as a cultural support person) or an organisation (such as an advocacy organisation).
Find out how to set up a support relationship.
I need help understanding the aged care system
An advocate works on your behalf and at your direction to represent your wishes and help you interact with the aged care system. The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) provides free, confidential and independent support.
I need some financial advice
There are many places you can go when you need help and guidance on money matters, or if you need some aged care financial advice.
Read more about financial support and advice.
I need help planning for end-of-life care
It’s important to plan ahead for the type of care we want at the end of our lives, including access to specialist palliative care.
Read more about end-of-life care.
I want to know my rights
Your rights are protected by a Charter of Aged Care Rights that is followed by all government-funded aged care services.
Read more about the Charter of Aged Care Rights.
I need some help for my carer
Many carers see themselves as a family member who looks after a person they love, not as a carer. There is a wide range of services available to help you and your carer.
Find out more about carer support.
I need help managing my legal affairs
There are a different services available to help you set up a power of attorney and get support in managing your affairs.
Get information on legal support.
I'd like some company
If you are feeling lonely or don't have regular contact with family and friends, or feel isolated from your culture or heritage, the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) can help. The ACVVS can connect you with a volunteer who will spend time with you, on a regular basis. This is a free service. If you live in a government-funded aged care home or you receive a Home Care Package, you are eligible. You are also eligible if you are approved and waiting for an aged care home or a Home Care Package.
Read more about the ACVVS organisations in your area.
I’m worried about elder abuse
If you or someone you know is concerned about possible elder abuse, there is support available in your state or territory.
Find out how to make a complaint.
I know someone who needs intensive support to access aged care
If you know someone who is isolated or vulnerable, and needs intensive support to access aged care services, a care finder may be able to help.
Care finders is a free service specifically designed for older people who don’t have anyone to support them to access aged care services. A care finder can help someone learn about, apply for and access aged care services in their community.
Learn more about care finders.
Support for all Australians
Information and support is available to help people of all backgrounds, languages and situations to access the help they need. This includes LGBTI, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, veterans, and more.