From 1 July 2025, there will be changes to how an older person can be supported to make their own decisions.
This page covers what’s changing and how the changes might impact you if you are:
- an older person receiving aged care services who has a representative in My Aged Care
- a representative (regular or authorised) in My Aged Care for an older person receiving care
- a person recognised by an aged care provider as a representative under the Quality of Care Principles 2014
- an appointed decision-maker for an older person under a state or territory arrangement (holding, for example, guardianship, enduring power of attorney or similar)
- an older person receiving support from an individual agent, or
- an individual agent for an older person.
If you are not receiving support to access My Aged Care services or supporting someone else but want to know more about support relationships, visit our Arranging someone to support you page instead.
What's changing as part of the New Act?
Changes to agent roles
How to update a support relationship before 1 July
Review of upcoming changes
What's changing as part of the new Aged Care Act?
The new Aged Care Act (the new Act) puts the rights of older people first. The new Act provides a legal framework for registering supporters.
Most representative relationships in My Aged Care will go through changes to come under the new Act. Regular and authorised representatives in My Aged Care active on 30 June will be known as ‘registered supporters’ from 1 July2025. Regular and authorised representatives and older people with regular representatives can opt out of moving to a supporter relationship under the new Act.
The registered supporter role aims to promote older people’s right to be supported to make their own decisions. Registered supporters help older people to make and communicate their own decisions about aged care. This includes speaking to My Aged Care and making daily decisions about their aged care services and needs. They can also request, access and receive information about the older person they support.
People who are appointed decision-makers for an older person can make decisions on their behalf under state or territory arrangements. However, decision-makers can still only make decisions in line with their (active) legal authority. This includes people who are currently recognised by aged care providers as representatives under the Quality of Care Principles 2014.
Supported decision-making
Everyone has the right to make decisions about their life, including about their aged care. Supported decision-making is about older people having support to make and communicate their own decisions and remain in control of their lives.
Under the new Act, every older person is presumed to have the ability to make their own decisions. If you are an older person who wants or needs support, you can choose someone to help you. This person can become a registered supporter.
You may already get support from a partner, family member, friend, caregiver, or someone else. They can continue to support you without becoming a registered supporter. For example, you can ask an aged care provider or My Aged Care to work with this person to support you, even if they aren't registered.
Registered supporters
Registering a supporter means an older person has support to make decisions. In supporting an older person to make decisions, registered supporters have duties they must uphold.
Having a registered supporter does not prevent you from doing something you can do yourself. You can continue to request, receive and communicate information and make decisions. You can also have more than one registered supporter.
Some registered supporters also have guardianship, enduring power of attorney or similar legal authority. These people are appointed decision-makers for the older person.
You may not want or need someone else to support you. You are not required to register a supporter.
Registered supporter duties
There will be some changes to the duties and responsibilities of support people, including that registered supporters must:
- prioritise the will and preferences of the older person they support, and promote their personal, cultural and social wellbeing
- support the older person only as much as needed for them to make their own decisions
- do their best to help the older person maintain their ability to make their own decisions
- avoid or manage conflicts of interest
- ensure they know and understand their duties; this includes any consequences for non-compliance.
When performing these duties, registered supporters must act honestly, diligently, and in good faith. All these changes put the rights of older people at the centre of decision-making.
Becoming a registered supporter does not give a person decision-making authority for the older person.
Appointed decision-makers under state or territory arrangements
A person must be an appointed decision-maker under state or territory arrangements to make a decision on behalf of an older person. Appointed decision-makers can only make decisions in line with their (active) legal authority. They should support the older person to make their own decisions where possible.
An appointed decision-maker can be a registered supporter.
Moving from a regular representative in My Aged Care to a registered supporter
Regular representatives who are active in My Aged Care on 30 June will automatically become registered supporters on 1 July. This change will appear:
- in the Online Account of the older person and their registered supporter
- in all communication sent to them from My Aged Care.
Registered supporters will be able to do the same things they did as regular representatives.
The older person’s ability to interact with My Aged Care will either stay the same or have fewer restrictions.
Key differences between a regular representative and a registered supporter
- More support: A registered supporter can help the older person make decisions across aged care and interact with a range of various organisations, including aged care providers. A regular representative can only talk to My Aged Care.
- Legal responsibilities: A registered supporter has legal duties to uphold, with consequences if they don’t. There are set processes to suspend or cancel a registered supporter’s registration and offences for abusing their position.
Opting out of the supporter relationship
If the older person or their regular representative doesn’t want to move to a new supporter relationship, either of them can withdraw/end the relationship in My Aged Care. Doing this before 1 July is called ‘opting out’. They can do this by:
- calling My Aged Care, or
- making the change in their Online Account, by selecting the ‘Opt out’ button.
Opting out will end a regular representative relationship in My Aged Care. If either party wants to opt out, they can choose to do it immediately or by 30 June. After1 July, older people and registered supporters can still end their supporter relationships through their Online Account or by calling My Aged Care.
There are no costs to opting out of or ending a supporter relationship.
Moving from an authorised representative in My Aged Care to a registered supporter
Authorised representatives active in My Aged Care on 30 June will automatically become registered supporters from 1 July. This change will appear:
- in the Online Account of the older person and their registered supporter
- in all communication sent to them from My Aged Care.
Authorised representatives who move to a registered supporter role will have the role and duties of supporters.
They will also still be able to make decisions for an older person, within their (active) legal authority under a state or territory arrangement. However, where possible, they should support the older person to make their own decisions.
Opting out of the supporter relationship
If the older person or their authorised representative doesn’t want to move to a new supporter relationship, the authorised representative can withdraw/end the relationship in My Aged Care. Doing this before 1 July is called ‘opting out’. They can do this by:
- calling My Aged Care, or
- making the change in their Online Account, by selecting the ‘Opt out’ button.
Opting out will end an authorised representative relationship in My Aged Care. If an older person or their authorised representative wants to opt out, the authorised representative can choose to do it immediately or by 30 June.
Note: If an authorised representative becomes a registered supporter, there is no need to re-submit proof of their legal authority to My Aged Care unless something has changed.
After 1 July, older people and registered supporters can still end their supporter relationships through their Online Account or by calling My Aged Care.
There are no costs to opting out of or ending a supporter relationship.
Changes to representative relationships made under the Quality of Care Principles 2014
Under the new Act, representative relationships made under the Quality of Care Principles 2014 (the Principles) will no longer exist and won’t transition to the new Act.
Before 1 July
The older person and their representative under the Principles should discuss if the representative should become a registered supporter. They can do this by:
- registering a regular or authorised representative relationship in My Aged Care by 30 June (this will transition to a supporter relationship on 1 July), or
- planning to register a supporter relationship after 1 July.
After 1 July
A former representative under the Principles can:
- work with the aged care provider, if the older person requests it. The older person can ask their provider to share information with, or receive information from, their former representative. However, this does not grant former representatives the ability to make decisions on behalf of an older person.
- work with the aged care provider, if the former representative is an appointed decision-maker.
A former representative under the Principles can do either of the above things even if they are not a registered supporter under the new Act.
Only appointed decision-makers under state or territory arrangements can make decisions on behalf of an older person. This can only be done in line with their (active) legal authority.
Changes to agent roles
An agent is a professional who can provide support to an older person, but they cannot make or convey decisions on an older person’s behalf. They can be individuals or organisations.
From 1 July, the individual agent role within My Aged Care will no longer exist. All individual agent relationships, including those pending, will come to an end.
You may want to consider other support options before 1 July if you currently:
- have an individual agent supporting you, or
- are an individual agent for someone else in My Aged Care.
The options include:
- registering regular or authorised representative relationships in My Aged Care by 30 June. These relationships will transition to supporter relationships on 1 July.
- registering supporter relationships after 1 July
- registering an organisation agent relationship at any time.
The organisation agent role will not change much. However, from 1 July, you will no longer be able to create your own agent organisation relationships. These relationships will need to be created by the agent organisations’ staff or My Aged Care staff*. You will no longer be able to set up this relationship on the My Aged Care website (in the Apply online tool) or in your Online Account.
Organisation agents will still be able to help an older person apply for an assessment using the Apply online tool. However, if an agent wants to set up an agent organisation relationship, they can do so through the Service and Support Portal or by contacting My Aged Care.
* My Aged Care staff can include contact centre staff, Aged Care Specialist Officers (ACSOs) and Assessors.
How to update a support relationship in My Aged Care before 1 July
If you are an older person receiving support or a support person for someone else, and you want to make changes to your current support relationship(s), the process remains the same until 30 June 2025.
Setting up a new representative in My Aged Care
The process to register a new representative (regular or authorised representative) in My Aged Care remains the same until 30 June. Regular and authorised representatives will also continue to have the same powers and functions until then.
Regular and authorised representatives active in My Aged Care on 30 June will automatically become registered supporters from 1 July.
Ending a support relationship — regular and authorised representatives
- If you want to withdraw from a regular representative relationship before 1 July, you can call My Aged Care or end the relationship in your Online Account.
- If you are an authorised representative and you want to end your role, you can call My Aged Care or end the relationship in your Online Account.
- If you are an older person and want to end an authorised representative relationship before 1 July, you will need to contact My Aged Care.
- If a regular or authorised representative relationship in My Aged Care is ended by 30 June, the regular or authorised representative will not become a registered supporter on 1 July.
Ending a support relationship — individual agents
The individual agent role will not exist from 1 July. If you are in an individual agent relationship, you may want to consider other support options that would be best for your circumstances.
For those in individual agent relationships who want to continue their support beyond 1 July, the older person or agent can request to register a supporter relationship with My Aged Care.
For further information on other support options and agent changes, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
Review of upcoming changes
If you currently have a representative or an agent, or you are someone’s representative or agent, here are some things to keep in mind for 1 July 2025:
Representatives in My Aged Care
- Regular representatives and authorised representatives in My Aged Care active on 30 June 2025 will automatically become registered supporters from 1 July. This change will show in the Online Accounts of the older person and their supporter, as well as in all My Aged Care communications. If you and your representative (regular or authorised) are comfortable with this transition, no action is needed.
Opting out
- If you are a representative (regular or authorised) or an older person with a regular representative and don't want to transition to a new supporter relationship, you can opt out by calling My Aged Care or through your Online Account (if you are able) by 30 June.
- Past representative relationships that ended before 30 June will be recorded in your Online Account.
- If you don’t opt out before 30 June and the representative relationship transitions to a supporter relationship on 1 July, you can still end the relationship at any time after 1 July. This can be done in your Online Account or by calling My Aged Care.
Agent roles
- The individual agent role will not exist from 1 July.
- If individual agents want to keep supporting someone beyond 1 July, they should talk with the older person they support about other support options. This includes talking to the older person about registering a supporter relationship with My Aged Care from 1 July.
- Some existing options for setting up organisation agent relationships will be removed.
If you want to know more about the transition process, contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.