If you are currently receiving aged care services, there may be times when you need to make some changes to them. Whatever your situation, you can manage your services so that they continue to work for you.

There are a few aspects of your aged care services that you can change depending on your situation and needs:

  • when your services are delivered - for instance, if you’re going on holiday
  • what services you receive - if your needs change while you’re receiving care
  • your service provider - if you need to change providers for a particular reason.

How do I change or stop my services?

If you need to make some changes to your service arrangements, select the type of help you currently receive for more information:

Access your My Aged Care Online Account

If you want to see what services you are currently receiving, you can do so in your Online Account. It contains information about your aged care services, assessments, service providers, and more.

Learn how to access your Online Account.

What if I have concerns?

Your provider has a responsibility to respect your rights and provide you with quality services. Find out more about what you should expect. If you are concerned with the service you are receiving, find out what steps you can take and how you can make a complaint. 

Need some help?

I have questions

If you need some help, the My Aged Care team can answer most of your questions over the phone.

Call 1800 200 422

An advocate for my rights

Advocacy services ensure that the rights of anyone receiving or seeking aged care services are supported. They also make it easier to make decisions about care.

Read more about advocacy

Someone to talk on my behalf

A friend or a family member can speak on your behalf by becoming your representative.

Read more about representatives

Support for all

Information and support is available to help people of all backgrounds, languages and situations to access the help they need. This includes LGBTI, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, veterans, and more.

Read more about accessible support

Tess's experience

Watch how Tess dealt with her changing needs. 

TESS: My name is Tess. I lived in Canberra for 57 years. Robert, he was a very active man, and then he became quite ill and needed special care, so these guys and girls came in to take care of him. After Robert passed away I was fit and able, and then when I wasn’t able, a person came to assess me, they knew that I needed care.

I went onto the aged care website and I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of facilities that are available. And now that I know that there’s transport available I would like to know everything that they have that I can maybe use. My services have changed as a result of being in hospital this year. I needed further services, as in personal care.

Once a week I have domestic assistance and that means they come in and they’ll clean the house for me. I don’t know about other services for other people, but certainly mine is subsidised and I pay a rate according to what I can afford and that’s wonderful.

Having these girls coming in to my home has made it possible for me to live in my home. My husband and I built this house together so my plan is to stay here and look at his picture, and he is still here… still here in spirit, yes.