Your service provider is responsible to ensure you receive quality care and services. They are expected:
- To respect your rights
Your rights are protected, no matter what type of care you receive and where you receive it. Your rights are outlined in the Charter of Aged Care Rights.
- To provide you with quality services
Your provider must provide care that complies with the Aged Care Quality Standards. The standards reflect the level of care and services you can expect from your provider. Read more about the Aged Care Quality Standards.
- To review your care plan
Your provider should review your services every 12 months to make sure they continue to meet your needs. If your care needs change significantly, your service provider should refer you to My Aged Care for another assessment.
What if my needs change?
You might notice that your needs have changed and the services you receive aren’t right for you anymore. Whenever this happens, speak to your service provider first, or call My Aged Care. Change could mean that you need:
- fewer services or no services
- more services
- different services
If you find that you no longer need support, you can stop receiving services. Give your provider some warning to make sure they know you don’t need their help any longer. There are no exit fees. You can choose to stop receiving services at any time.
If you require different services, you will need a new assessment. Every 12 months you and your provider should review your services. This helps you keep track of whether they still meet your needs.
What if I need to take a break?
You can take time off from your service:
- for a hospital stay, including transition care
- for a holiday or time with your family
- to stay with family or friends during an infectious disease outbreak, such as COVID-19.
Tell your provider before you go on leave. This doesn’t have to be in writing, but your provider needs to know the dates when you’ll leave and when you’re coming back. Contacting them ensures you’re not charged for services during your time away.
When leave is only temporary, you won’t need a new assessment to resume services. Just let your provider know your plans and keep them updated if you don’t know the exact date you’ll be needing their support again.
Can I change providers?
You may want to change providers for a few reasons:
- You’re moving house
- Your care needs change and your current provider can’t help
Whatever the reason, you should first talk to your service provider(s). You can also choose to contact My Aged Care directly.
If your care needs have changed, you may need to have another assessment.
Complaints and concerns
If you’re concerned about the care you are receiving, you have the right to raise your concern or make a complaint. Doing this shouldn’t affect your support services. Discuss the issue with your service provider first, as it may be something they can resolve. You have the right to stop services at any time.
If the service provider cannot resolve your complaints, or you don’t feel comfortable raising your concerns with them, there are other options.
If you require assistance, the Australia-wide Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) provides free advocacy services. OPAN can advise if you should take your concern to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
For more information on raising complaints and concerns, visit our Complaints page.