Your service provider is responsible to ensure you receive quality care and services. They have a responsibility:
- To respect your rights
Your rights are protected, whether you receive short-term care at home, in the community, or in a residential aged care home setting. Your rights are outlined in the Charter of Aged Care Rights.
- To provide you with quality services
Your provider must provide care that complies with the Aged Care Quality Standards. The standards reflect the level of care and services you can expect from your provider. Read more about the Aged Care Quality Standards.
- To ensure your future care needs are considered
Your service provider will help set up any support services that you will need once you complete your short-term care. This will be detailed as an “exit strategy” in your care plan. Depending on your needs, this might be:- Your service provider could recommend a new assessment for additional support services such as the Commonwealth Home Support Programme or a Home Care Package.
- If you didn’t quite meet your goals, you may have a recommendation to access short-term restorative care for a second time (you can access it twice in any 12-month period). If this is the case, your service provider will refer you back to My Aged Care to discuss your options.
Can I take time away while I’m on a short-term restorative care program?
Yes. You can take up to seven days leave, for any reason, while receiving care (except if you access residential respite care). The seven days don’t count towards your maximum care days, and you won’t be charged daily care fees for them either. You may be charged for use of certain aids, for example a wheelchair, if you still receive benefit from them. Your Flexible Care Agreement will set out any fees that may apply during leave. If you’re admitted into hospital as a day patient or for an overnight stay, your care plan will continue, and you won’t need leave.
Can I stop my short-term restorative care?
Yes. You can end your short-term care at any time. Your Flexible Care Agreement will set out the conditions for ending the care service.
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to speak with someone about other types of care, if you need.
Does my assessment decision expire?
The assessment decision lasts for six months, after which you will need to be reassessed. You need to start services within six months of receiving your assessment decision. For example, if your approval is given on 14 December, you need to contact a provider and enter care before 15 June the following year.
You can check if your approval is still valid by contacting My Aged Care.
What if I have a complaint?
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care or services you receive, you have the right to make a complaint. Your first step should be to speak directly to your service provider, if you feel comfortable. They are there to support and listen to your concerns and take necessary action.
There are other options available too, including lodging a complaint with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Read more information on our Contact us page.