Older people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity should be able to access aged care services that are responsive and respectful of their care needs and consider their history and any experiences of discrimination and marginalisation.
Given their experiences of discrimination and limited recognition of their needs by service providers, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex (LGBTI) have been identified as having special needs for aged care.
The National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Ageing and Aged Care Strategy aims to improve the ageing and aged care experience of LGBTI elders and ensure they have the same opportunities and options in aged care that are available to all Australians.
While a range of initiatives have been put in place to better meet the aged care needs of LGBTI elders, the strategy informs how the Australian Government supports the aged care sector to deliver care that is sensitive to and inclusive of the needs of LGBTI elders, their families and carers.
What can I discuss with potential aged care providers?
If you’re looking to move into an aged care home, the 10 Questions to Ask brochure can be a helpful resource. It provides a list of questions that can help older people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identity including LGBTI find a suitable provider. The questions are written by doctors, nurses, and other experts with experience in aged care.